
| by ckchan 修改 | 公開 | 不公開 | 刪除 |


想想當初你見到她是多麼開心,她的一顰一笑都讓你注意, 現在,她跟你在一起了。

女生多半會幫男朋友想, 怕他太累.怕他錢花太多,所以不敢叫他帶他去吃大餐,去玩好的,但是,你有沒有注意過,當她在跟你說不用的時候,其實眼睛裡還是會帶有一絲期待。


女生總是不敢開口要求,總是為了男生想好多, 男孩子何不多想一些,多做一點點,你會發現,女孩子好感動,好高興。 既然愛她,就多用一點心在她身上,

所謂的用心,不是只有把時間花在她身上, 而是要去探尋她的內心, 她需要的是什麼,她想表達但沒說出來的是什麼, 只要男生肯用心,將會發現, 她的一舉一動,在在都在表現著她對你的愛,無可取代。

很多時候很多小事情小動作,都是有涵義在裡面的,如果你不用心,只有等到後來她離開了你, 才惋惜,才後悔。

兩個人能相愛,並不容易,愛情,並不只是因為需要有一個人疼, 它也是一種成長,一種領悟。

當你遇到一個願意與你心靈互相交會的女生, 一個願意為你付出的女生,她的快樂與幸福,就是你的責任。


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i choose to study,so my opportunity cost is 6A friendship(等價交換).i am glad for receive a D- log book.
miss kwong said again and again to me.mr lau said again and again to me every day.even f.7 students say again and again to me,i need to pay much more effort and do a better piece of work to them.class position:10/29,if still remains this position,must died.........


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my composition is very bad,i need to stuggle.1st exam is coming,6/12 ,still lift not much time.need to promote in U,2C in AL.also,i will not spend so much time to make freidship in 6A as like as 5D(except someone),since my choice is stduying,not playing,in these one and a half year.fully use of empty lesson to study.


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full booking until christmas,now ,the time is 8:20 ,not yet start my chinese composition(1000 words),shit~ econ is  easier than last year i think,maybe the format of teacing is more suitable for me,although i  am very hate econ lesson.Who is ball ball? yesterday night send a message and make me up.



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