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for us to reach happiness the cause is very simple.
to win the game of go and reach the top.

when he cries and quivers without a sound, i hold him quietly.
i could only love you like this.
i could only catch you like this.
because you were me

we are the same.
when we face each other, we see ourselves.
that's why we are always alone.

what will you do?
if i'm not here anymore? if we two don't become one anymore?
won't you be alone?

i told you.
you were me.
if you aren't lonely, i won't be lonely again.

相信看日文會更有感覺吧,前題是如果有日文source 而我又懂得日文的話|||||||
the bright sunlight streams through the water surface, reaching out for the next breathe.

到目前為止我只存得這位老師的三本本子,連最喜歡的那本seventeen 也收藏不了...T^T(順帶一題,當年寫的"二人"的靈感也是來自這本,收藏不了它絕對是人生一大遺憾啊啊...)
若在網上搜羅到她的本子,一定要撲去買= =+

"suimen" is a marvellous doujinshi. the author of this doujinshi is uwanosora san, who is one of my favourite authors of hikago doujin.
the sentences on the top of this site is excerpted from this doujinshi(i have changed its original meaning a bit), which has been used nearly one year and i still do not want to change it.
just because it is really pretty.
this doujinshi was downloaded in english site and the rendering is of course english. i use my poor writing style to transfer the sentences which i like into chinese version, but i think the feeling is totally different orz.
i believe that it will be more synthetic if the doujinshi is in japanese version. of course the condition is that if there was japanese source and i knew japanese||||||
the english version of the sentences at the top is as below:
the bright sunlight streams through the water surface, reaching out for the next breathe.

i have only collected three of this circle's doujinshis, but the doujinshi called "seventeen", the one i love most, have not been found...T^T(i have wrote an article called "二人", where the idea actually came from "seventeen". it could not be found is a regret of life...)
one day if i find her doujinshis on the website, i must buy them= =+

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