Love is a question

| by 阿介 修改 | 公開 | 不公開 | 刪除 |

    Love is a question, you are the answer.

     *     *     *     

    When love coagulated to be dewdrops, I smiled and collected them into my breast, it seemed as if you were held in my arms.

    To be honest, I am willing to do anything for you, for example, waiting whole night to get a little dewdrops. May you say, it was not reasonable. But considering that it can make you smile, it was worthy.

    You are the most important one in the world.

    Today we have seen a film talking about luxury, "The Devil Wears Prada". In fact, even the most gorgeous fashion, it cannot compare with your smiles.

    That's why I am writing. Just for your smiling.

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