Love is a key

| by 阿介 修改 | 公開 | 不公開 | 刪除 |

    Love is a key. Behind the lock, there is all happiness related to you.

     *     *     *     

    Someone said, greater hope comes greater disappointed. Therefore, I can experience how upset you are, because my situation is similar to you.

    Although I don't know what you have been making, I know that you have spent a lot of time on it. I know, you really want to gladden my heart.

    I understand how disappointed you were when you heard that the gift cannot be completed. Especially after the long - run preparing time.

    However, do you know how worried am I about you?

    Baby, I only hope you to be happy.

    Baby, the smiles of you is the most precious gift for me.

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