「外電」The Rising Yen is Sinking Japan 日圓升值正在弄沉日本

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原文轉錄自:The Wall Street Journal


The Rising Yen is Sinking Japan 

Currency appreciation is exposing the new government's ineptitude.




這篇外電呼應了我們日前對於日圓升值相關衝擊的看法  http://www.wretch.cc/blog/izaax/13168970



The U.S. dollar's decline has created upward pressure on many major Asian currencies, not least the yen, which is up 20% versus the dollar since the September 2008 Lehman shock. The new Democratic Party of Japan-led government argues this trend is a boon, but in fact it's just the opposite: The rising yen is a significant contributing factor to the sinking of the world's second-largest economy.


Japan is once again in a deflationary spiral, as the Bank of Japan is expected to announce today. Markets for goods, services, labor and capital are registering across-the-board, accelerated price declines. Consumer prices fell 2.3% in September compared to the previous year—the seventh straight month of decline. Producer prices show a similar trend. Land prices are falling at a double-digit rate. Wages are also falling, while unemployment is rising. Little wonder Japan`s broad-based TOPIX stock market index is now the only major developed-country stock market that is in negative territory this year. 


In response, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's government has argued that a strong yen could be good for Japan because it should help reallocate resources away from exporters to domestic services. What's more, Mr. Hatoyama's team floated the idea in October that a strong yen could help stimulate domestic demand—long a weak spot of Japan's export-dependent economy. (U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, by the way, concurs; in Tokyo last week, he said Japan showed "early signs of a stronger domestic demand-led economy."


The idea that a strong currency has benefits has merit, but only in a growing economy. When an economy is expanding, a strengthening currency encourages manufacturers to invest in more productive machinery, focus on raising productivity, and remain on the competitive edge of their industry. It is an elegant economic tool that keep corporate leaders from getting complacent, and forces them to innovate. This is what happened in the 1960s and 1970s, when Japan was exporting its way to prosperity.


However, this cycle is virtuous only when companies make money, when cash flow is healthy, and when banks are willing lenders. Japan today doesn't enjoy such a benevolent economic clime. Prices are falling and profits are plunging. Yen strength in this environment is suffocating big exporters like Nissan, which has frozen hiring in Japan until further notice, and Sony, which has slashed thousands of jobs to cope. And remember, the current cyclical deterioration comes on top of a decade-long spell of almost no economic growth. Industrial companies are investing outside Japan to find growth markets, as are service companies like retailers, outsourcers and Internet firms.


When a country is in deflation, like Japan is today, a strong currency must be countered by more stimulative fiscal, monetary or regulatory policies—or some combination of all three. The DPJ government is advocating just the opposite tack. Since taking office in October, Mr. Hatoyama's team has floated tighter financial-sector regulations, tighter fiscal policy in the form of smaller budgets, and an early exit from the Bank of Japan's super-loose monetary policy, known as quantitative easing. The budget cuts in the 2010 budget are poised to drag down GDP by almost 2% as Mr. Hatoyama's firstbudget follows on from his predecessor's massive emergency spending enacted last summer. As if this is not deflationary enough, add yen strength to the equation, and Japan's recession may soon turn into a full-fledged depression. 


Japan doesn't need a stronger yen. Japan needs deregulation of its labor and capital market, privatization of state-owned industries, and a more pragmatic, progrowth domestic industrial policy focused on excising vested interests and the rigidities of domestic service industries. The promotion of growth and entrepreneurship is the only way to generate the kind of employment that the DPJ promised on the campaign trail. Unfortunately, this kind of policy path is particularly difficult for Mr. Hatoyama's government, which is heavily reliant on labor unions for political support.

xyz軟體補給站 日本不需要強勢日圓。日本需要鬆綁其勞動和資本市場,國營事業民營化和更貼近實際能促進國內成長需求的產業政策(聚焦於優惠利率運用和僵化的國內服務產業)。促進成長和創業家精神,是製造出如民主黨在選戰中宣稱之就業機會的唯一方式。這政策對於鳩山政府來說無寧是個格外困難的途徑,因為其政權相當仰賴工會的支持。 

That may be the one virtue of the rising yen and the destruction it wreaks: It is exposing the ineptitude of the Hatoyama administration's economic policies. The question is, how high a price will Japan pay in the meantime?

或許日圓升值 和其衍生的破壞不全是壞事,至少我們學到一點,它暴露了鳩山政府的經濟政策的顢頇。問題是,日本到底得為此付出多大的代價呢?

Mr. Koll is president of Tantallon Research Japan. This article is part of an occasional series on the dollar's impact on Asia-Pacific economies. 


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